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application Empty application

Post by geezer Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:01 am

1. What is your in game name, and co-ords?
geezer (-349,-66)(-344,-65)(-345,-66)
2. What is your population?
1357 - In fairness, I have seen quite a few members with pop <1500; and I'll be there asap Smile
3. What is your troop count? (Please give a detailed list)
140 Legionaires
310 Praetorians
210 Imperians
35 Equitus Legati
300 Equitus Imperatoris
100 Equitus Caesaris
5 Battering Rams
20 Fire Catapults
4. What is your style of play? Offensive/Defensive?
Mainly offensive, but can adapt to situation if needed
5. What other alliances, if any, have you been a member of/are on this server?
phantoms - a small group in the southwest - we are only 6 players, but the more active of us have taken the rank to 208
6. What other servers have you played? What alliances were you a member of there?
Relatively new to the game (3 months) - have recently started on the new s6 - no alliance yet
7. Do you have a sense of humour?
Pretty much everything is funny...

Thanks for looking - I hope to hear from you soon Cool


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